About Tamaqua

Tamaqua offers a number of community services and recreation opportunities for residents and businesses. Please use the links below to learn more or call the Borough Office at 570.668.0300.

Most Requested Ordinances:

Noise Ordinance

Burning Ordinance

Quality of Life


The Borough of Tamaqua Code of Ordinances is now available online!  Check it out at:  http://www.ecode360.com/TA3193

For any zoning or code questions, you can now call that department directly at 570.578.0165.

On the eCode360 website you can view, print or share selected chapters and sections or the entire code.  The online code is specifically designed for use on multiple devices including desktops, laptops, smart phones and tablets.  
Our new Code of Ordinances includes all ordinances adopted through #692.  Ordinances #693 to present can be found under the “New Laws” link on the left side of the screen.  New ordinances are sent to General Code as they are adopted so the code is always up-to-date.  They are posted separately and then inserted into the code during the annual update.  For help navigating the eCode360 website go to:  https://ecode360.com/help/TA3193/navigation

Learn more about community pool passes, a variety of programs and service organizations, etc.

Forms, Applications, and Maps
Applications, Zoning and Code Applications, and Forms for residents and businesses

Community Events and Links
What's happening in and around Tamaqua

Boards and Commissions
The people and commissions that guide our community

Stay active and have fun in and around Tamaqua